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Asan City Council Notice No. 2016-2
Legislative notice of an ordinance initiated by a member of the Asan City Council
In accordance with Article 66-2 of the 「Local Autonomy Act」 (pre-announcement of draft ordinance) and 「Asan City Council Meeting Rules」 Article 23 (pre-announcement of draft ordinance), the Asan City Council widely publicizes the legislative purpose and main contents of the ordinance proposed by the Asan City Council. In order to seek opinions on this, the following legislative announcement is made.
February 12, 2016
Chairman of Asan City Council
1. Ordinance bills for legislative notice: 13 cases
※ Bylaws: see separate attachment
2. Submission of Opinions
? Individuals or groups who have an opinion on the enactment or amendment of this ordinance, please submit the attached opinion statement stating the following to the Asan City Council Chairman (reference: Council Secretariat) within the opinion submission period.
go. Opinion submission deadline: February 17, 2016 (Wednesday)
B. How to Submit Opinions
1) Opinions for each item on the notice (opinions for and against and their reasons)
2) Name of submitter (in case of an organization, name of organization and representative), address, phone number, etc.
3) In writing, mail, fax ( 041-540-2135)
4) Where to submit comments: (Post) 31512/456 Simin-ro, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do (Oncheon-dong)
Asan City Council Assembly Secretariat Medical Team
C. For other details, please contact the Asan City Council Secretariat (☎ 041-540-2705, 041-540-2628).